The Power Hour

The life of a scientist is pretty busy. Between labs, meetings, conferences, association involvement and personal duties your calendar can look like a game of Tetris. Work is important. Life is important. Finding the balance is key. Many of us understand the struggle and this is where the Power Hour comes in. This is your chance for you to focus your energy to do something exciting or give yourself a break.

Here are some ways to use your power hour:

  1. Use the Pomodoro timer for your break:  The Pomodoro is a time-management method created by Francesco Cirillo that is designed to help you stay focused while working on a specific task. My favorite way is through My Tomatoes. It’s free to use and it’s only 25 minutes. This short time will get you recharged in no time.
  2. Get active: Getting active is not only good for your physical health, it’s good for your mental health. Not everyone has a standing or bike desk so it is important to get moving. If you find yourself sitting for hours at a time get up and take a 5-10 minute walk, do a quick office yoga routine and make it a priority to get outside daily.
  3. Take a power nap: Most of the time when we can’t concentrate we are tired. In a study from the Journal of Physiological Anthropology naps help improve cogitative function when used correctly. Naps do not replace sleep, but they can help you recharge which will increase your productivity.
  4. Do a quick hobby: Take time to do something creative that will get your mind off of your project. Simply journaling, reading or drawing can be quite relaxing.
  5. Drink or eat: Use this time to fuel your body. Many times when we are tired we are dehydrated and hungry. Ditch the vending machine snack (if you can), refill your water bottle and eat some fruit.

After doing one of more of these tasks you should be refreshed and ready to tackle your next task.

How will you use your power hour? Comment below.

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