My Informational Interview Tips

Informational interviewing is a new concept to me. After learning about them here are my tips. Udate your myIDpP tool. The myIDP tool is a great resource for scientists to organize their SMART career goals. After updating it you will have a better idea on what to focus on for your informational interviews.

My Informational Interview Tips:

1. Have a Game Plan:

What is the purpose of your informational interviews? Informational interviews are great for people transitioning into a new career or looking to explore career options. Once you know your purpose make a list of questions you want to ask for your informational interviews.

2. Identify 2-4 People to Interview:

Take a look at your network: school, peers and your contacts on LinkedIn. You will be surprised who is in your network. Reach out to a few people first to get the ball rolling. Identify people who will give you advice from different perspectives.

3. Arrange the Informational Interviews:

Contact the people you want to interview and arrange a time/place to meet. 30 minutes is a good time measure over the phone or local café.

4. Take a Break from Informational Interviews:

Scheduling too many informational interviews can lead to informational overload. Take the time to soak in the information and move forward with the advice they gave you.

5. Keep them posted with your progress:

People like to know how their advice helped you. Thank them again and pass on their tips to help someone else.

Looking for more tips check out the Science Mentor.

What are your tips for informational interviews? Share below.

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